
25781 Cottonwood Ave
Sioux Falls, SD 57107



Dan Schmidt 6058001456

HydroGreen Inc. is a division of CubicFarm Systems Corp., an award-winning technology company, founded by farmers. At HydroGreen, we believe that unpredictability is costly and long chain food dependence is dangerous.

We are located in Sioux Falls, SD and our team is passionate about creating technologies to help farmers to keep growing, sustainably. Our Grow Systems are fully automated, indoor growing technology that grows fresh livestock feed from seed to SuperFeed in just six days! With up to 365 harvest a year, using 1/10th of the water used in traditional farming, the HydroGreen technology grows more with less (less land, water, energy and labour) on farm, 365 days a year.

To discover more about our automated HydroGreen technologies, please join us at the Central Plain Dairy Expo or online at

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