2025 CPDE Expo – March 25-27

A detailed schedule will be posted by February 14, 2025.


Dry Off: A New Beginning or End of the Line?

Chris Rock

Technical Services Consultant | AHV USA

This presentation is to inform producers of the importance of a successful dry-off. Understanding the phases the udder goes through during this process is crucial. Also, it is important to know why dry-off protocols are suggested, as well as the pros and cons of our actions.
Sponsored by:  AHV USA


The Evolving Dairy Landscape: Addressing Cow Health, Environmental Impacts and Economic Pressures

Luke Miller

Dairy Technical Support Specialist | Alltech

This session will address hot topics currently impacting the dairy industry. Topics include environmental impacts, animal welfare, food safety and economic issues. Learn how these topics can affect you and your operation.

Sponsored by: Alltech


Optimizing Herd Productivity and Health: Advanced Transition Cow Management and Nutrition Strategies

Ruby Wu

Technical Services Manager | Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition

The transition period is the most critical and complex phase in a dairy cow’s life. Nutritional demands and hormonal changes during this time, both pre- and post-calving, significantly affect immune function, early lactation productivity and future reproductive success. This period greatly influences overall lactation performance, productivity, disease risk and culling rates.

Sponsored by: Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition


It Starts with the Bugs: Optimizing Rumen Development in Dairy Calves

Craig Louder

Technical Services Veterinarian | Axiota Animal Health

Dairy calves are tasked with a tall order when they are born – to expedite rumen development to allow early transition from liquid to solid feed. When successful, this allows a dairy calf to continue to flourish through the weaning and growing phases. Learn how strategic utilization of a rumen native microbe can enhance rumen development in calf raising.

Sponsored by: Axiota Animal Health


Setting Up Calves for Success Before Birth Through Dam Nutrition

Billy Brown

Assistant Professor | Kansas State University

Many nutritional strategies are implemented in the close-up period to enhance postpartum cow health and performance. These nutritional strategies may also be altering the performance of her offspring and can have long-lasting implications. This presentation will review the dam nutritional strategies that affect calf performance and how that may impact a farm’s bottom line.

Sponsored by: Balchem


Commodity Price Risk Management – Protect Your Bottom Line

Mark Newman

Account Executive | CIH

Dairy margins and profitability will continue to be volatile in the years to come. The presenter will highlight some of the more important data and reports to follow, risk management tools at your disposal and different methodologies and strategies to consider to actively manage your dairy’s commodity price risks and profit margins.

Sponsored by: CIH


Advantages of Rotary Milking

Jeff Hahn

Solution Manager, Rotaries, Parlors, and Milking Systems | DeLaval

From single-operator rotaries to multi-site dairies, the milking center is the heart of a dairy farm. In this session, a panel of dairy producers will share how the installation of rotary parlors has helped them increase efficiency while meeting their labor and production goals. From 40 to 120 bails, attendees will learn how dairies of all sizes have included the building of a rotary to satisfy their production targets and prepare for future.
Sponsored by: DeLaval


The Dairyman’s Perspective of the Feed Market Outlook and Dairy Margins

Jenny Wackershauser

Senior Dairy Analyst and Feed Foundations Advisor | Ever.Ag

Feed is one of the largest costs on the balance sheet. Thus, it’s important for dairymen to manage price risks related to the grain market. Grain markets are usually looked at from the perspective of a grain sell, but dairies need to approach the markets like a grain elevator and utilize the same tools available to manage their price risk with both corn and soybean meal, but also byproducts and corn silage. How can a dairy manage feed prices and what does 2025 look like on the horizon for feed and grain – and with it – milk margins?
Sponsored by: Ever.Ag


Managing Milk Prices in 2025

Katie Burgess

Dairy Market Advising Director | Ever.Ag

Milk markets are as volatile as ever with new cheese capacity coming online, exports uncertain and new pricing formulas coming in June 2025. Get an update on the programs available for dairy producers today – Dairy Margin Coverage, Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) Insurance, Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) – Dairy Insurance, futures, options and more. But, hedging doesn’t need to be complicated. This session will keep risk management simple, straightforward and arm you with what you need to know to implement a successful program on your dairy.
Sponsored by: Ever.Ag


Growing Again: A Look at the Dairy Markets in 2025

Sarina Sharp

Commodity Market Analyst | The Daily Dairy Report

With dry wit and vibrant charts, Sarina Sharp will explain the fundamentals behind the dairy, livestock and feed markets. She’ll give an outlook for dairy and beef revenues and feed costs in the year to come so that dairy producers will be empowered to manage their financial risks. Additionally, she will help dairy producers understand the factors that will impact their milk and beef revenues and feed expenses in the year to come, including consumer trends, international milk production and ongoing headwinds to expansion in the U.S. dairy sector.

Sponsored by: Farm Credit


Optimizing Calf Health: Strategies for Management, Nutrition and Immunity

Minnie Ward

Business Coach | Everything Calves Consulting LLC

During this presentation, the presenter will talk about optimizing calf health and performance. She will talk about stressors that calves go through and management strategies that can minimize the effects of those. Nutrition is often thought of in terms of growth rate, but the presenter will relate that back to the health of the calf, as well. The presentation will conclude with immunity and how nutrition and management relate to a calf’s immune response.

Sponsored by: Feedworks


Practical Insights for Managing Transition Cow Inflammation

Tim Doherty

Business Manager | Form-A-Feed

This presentation will provide practical strategies for managing and reducing inflammation in transition cows – focusing on effective management practices that improve herd health and productivity. The presenter will explain the basics of inflammation and the various causes of inflammation in dairy cows. He will define the harmful effects of excessive and unresolved inflammation. Additionally, he will summarize and highlight management practices to help minimize the negative effects of inflammation in transition cows, and offer nutrition strategies to control the extent of inflammation.

Sponsored by: Form-A-Feed


The Future of Calf Care

Andrew Beckel & Dagmar Beckel Machyckova

Golden Calf Company

Our world is developing rapidly and the rate of change is accelerating. We can feel this all around us, but what does it mean for our calves, our farms and our future? What tools do we have to address these shifts and what innovations are on the horizon?

Join us for a forward-thinking presentation that explores the dynamic factors shaping dairy farming today. From emerging trends in food technology to groundbreaking advancements in sustainability, automation and precision agriculture, we’ll dive into the forces transforming our industry. Hear firsthand the experience of a business that has spent 15 years driving innovation in the colostrum management and maternity area. Learn what the presenters have discovered through 15 years of designing cutting-edge tools and working side by side with dairy farmers to solve challenges in early calf care.

Sponsored by: Golden Calf Company


High Sand Reclamation: What Types of Sand Work Best?

Renee Schrift

Business Line Director – Agricultural Systems | McLanahan Corporation

Sand is considered the “gold standard” of dairy cow bedding, but not just any sand is good for recycling and reuse. There are a variety of factors to consider when selecting the grade of sand used for dairy cow bedding. These factors take into account what is needed for cow health and comfort, as well as what allows for the highest amount of reclamation. The method in which a dairy handles their sand-laden manure contributes to the grade of sand needed as well. Join us to learn more about what type of sand will keep your cows healthy and producing milk while allowing you to recycle the highest amount of sand and save your dairy money.

Sponsored by: McLanahan Corporation


Youngstock Monitoring: Insights Gained and Future Opportunities

Sarah Anderson

Customer Success Specialist | Merck Animal Health

Wearable health monitoring technology is a new development in the calf space. Both expected and unexpected outcomes have arisen. We will explore real-world scenarios, opportunities and potential future features. By attending this session, attendees will understand the importance of young stock health monitoring and develop skills to interpret monitoring data and use it for decision making.

Sponsored by: Merck Animal Health


Dairy Checkoff and State Trade Association Networking Reception

Midwest Dairy, your local checkoff organization, in partnership with South Dakota Dairy Producers Association, Nebraska State Dairy Association, Iowa State Dairy Association and Minnesota Milk Producers Association invite you to join us for a networking reception on Wednesday evening, March 26, to engage with your local checkoff staff, as well as state trade representatives.

Sponsored by: Midwest Dairy


Prevention and Treatment of Subclinical Hypocalcemia to Optimize Health and Reproduction in Dairy Cattle

Claira Seely

Assistant Professor | University of New Hampshire

The presenter will discuss new research that shows the impact of subclinical hypocalcemia on health, rumination, reproduction and production. In addition, she will report on strategies to prevent and treat hypocalcemia, including dietary strategies and the use of calcium boluses. Attendees will learn about the impact of subclinical hypocalcemia, strategies that may prevent hypocalcemia and potential tactics for treating hypocalcemia.

Sponsored by: Phibro Animal Health


To 7 Pounds and Beyond – Maximizing Milk Components for Profitability

Michael Hutjens

Professor Emeritus | University of Illinois

In most milk markets, dairy farmer milk checks are determined by the pounds of milk fat and milk protein sold. (Other solids are less valuable.) Dairy farmers can impact milk components through genetics, feeding programs and management. This fast-paced presentation will focus on feeding approaches to maximize milk fat and protein. Sources of each milk component will be examined. The role of dry matter intake, peak milk, transition feeding, amino acids, fatty acids, sugar and feed additives will be discussed. On-farm tools will be discussed to find opportunities to improve yield of components.
Sponsored by: Quality Liquid Feeds, Inc.


Ultraplus Sex Sorted Semen: Huge Technology Packed in a Tiny Straw

Eric Zwiefelhofer

Central USA Dairy Sales Manager | STgenetics

Sexed-sorted semen has been on the commercial market for nearly 20 years. The technology continues to make improvements and the current Ultraplus generation of sex-sorted semen from STgenetics is the most advanced technology in the industry. In this discussion, we will dive into the technological advancements with sex-sorted semen and the use of Ultraplus sex-sorted semen to help make dairies more profitable through genetic progress. Plus, we’ll take a fresh look into the future technology of sex-sorted semen.
Sponsored by: STgenetics


The Power of the Female

Chelsea Abbott

Dairy Consultant | Trans Ova Genetics

In an effort to share the power of in vitro fertilization, we will focus on the true importance of focusing on the female. We will look at what she offers to the genetic growth and profitability of a producer’s bottom line. We will look further into the implications improvements in genetics have and how to utilize embryos in a genetic program. Learn how the female plays an influential role in accelerating genetic growth. Understand strategies to integrate embryo use to maximize profitability and how embryos differ from conventional artificial insemination in terms of genetic growth.

Sponsored by: Trans Ova Genetics


From Data to Impact: Maximizing Dry Matter Intake for Optimal Performance

Ron Van Beek

Founder | Van Beek Natural Science

In this session, Van Beek will dive into the feed reasoning behind dry matter intake (DMI), focusing on its direct influence on animal health, productivity and overall farm performance. He will explore why DMI matters beyond the numbers and how having the right data supports better decision making. By taking a hands-on approach to bridge the gap between scientific insights and business strategies, you will leave the session empowered to enhance performance and profitability through smart feeding practices. Join us as we show you how maximizing DMI can drive measurable, lasting improvements in your dairy operation.

Sponsored by: Van Beek Natural Science


Elevate Your Dairy Operation with New Innovations from VAS

Dylan Ash

Farm Performance Consultant | VAS

Join us as we share the latest innovations from VAS. We’ll dig into VAS’ new embryo management module, expanded data entry capabilities, improved switch management and cow care features. Leverage these tools on your dairy to optimize herd health, boost milk production and simplify your team’s daily workflows. Unlock new levels of efficiency and profitability with VAS’ herd management solutions.

Sponsored by: VAS


Do High Oleic Soybeans Fit Your Farm? Research and Producer Panel Discussion

Kevin Harvatine

Professor of Nutritional Physiology | Penn State University

Panelists: Nathan Brandt, Four Cubs Farm in Grantsburg, Wis., Tim Hood, Hood Farms LLC in Paw Paw, Mich.

High oleic soybeans are a novel tool in the nutrition toolbox for farmers exploring energy-dense diets with reduced risk for rumen disruptions and milk fat depression. Join Vita Plus for a conversation highlighting the research and practical application of this technology on productive dairy herds. Through a dynamic panel discussion, Harvatine will explain the science behind high oleic soybeans, accompanied by the practical advice of two dairy producers – Nathan Brandt and Tim Hood. They have multiple years’ experience growing, roasting and feeding high oleic soybeans.

Sponsored by: Vita Plus


U.S. Genetic Progress – Where Did We Gain and Where Did We Fall Short!?

David Erf

Senior Dairy Technical Services Geneticist | Zoetis

Every five years, we reset the dairy cattle genetic base in the United States. 2025 is a genetic base change year. This provides a chance to review and reflect on our dairy cattle’s genetic progress. How did we do? How does it compare to past base changes? We can use this as a road map for the future and see where we can place more emphasis to help breed for the most profitable cow.

Sponsored by: Zoetis


Credit for Good: Producer Pathways to Profit for Sustainable Practices

Sara Kvidera & Kevin Dhuyvetter

The vision to turn sustainability into an opportunity for dairy farmers begins with solutions and tools that reduce environmental impact, then recognizing these efforts by quantifying them through analytical services and partnerships designed to turn these quantifications into assets that can be certified and sold to consumer-packaged goods companies working to meet their climate neutrality goals. Kvidera will cover why ruminants are so sustainable to begin with, an overview of greenhouse gas emissions in the dairy industry today, the future of enteric methane solutions and how this will ultimately result in economic sustainability for the dairy producer.

Sponsored by: Elanco Animal Health


Learnings and Implementation of On-farm Sustainability Reporting [Panel]

Lucas Sjostrom, Michael Crinion, Drew Kessler, Jamie Fisher

Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative and Farmers for Sustainable Food announced the impressive outcomes generated in the first year of their U.S. Department of Agriculture Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities Program. This panel discussion will bring together representatives of the teams engaged in the program to discuss the outcomes and why farmers are encouraged about the results.

Sponsored by: Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative


Goldilocks: How Much Gut Health Technologies is ‘Just Right’?

Jill Soderstrom

With so many gut health technologies available for calves, it’s getting hard to know what’s “too much” and what is “too little.” The presenter will uncover some potential problematic scenarios and leave listeners with questions to guide their future decisions regarding “Is this the right product for me and my calves?”

Sponsored by: Land O’Lakes


The Sweet Spot: How Molasses Complements Adult Cow Rations

Gail Carpenter

Explore the role of molasses and liquid feeds in dairy rations, highlighting their benefits for forage digestion, reduced sorting behavior and overall cow performance.

Sponsored by: Westway Feed Products


Unleashing the Power of Alfalfa in Your Cropping System – A Fireside Discussion

Erika Rodbell

Learn about the benefits of high-yielding, high-quality alfalfa during this fireside chat-style discussion hosted by Erika Rodbell, forage research agronomist with Forage Genetics International. In this session, the presenter will discuss solutions to challenges that this unique forage can provide for your dairy operation. Rodbell will also discuss how alfalfa can be managed for higher yield, better quality and flexibility for a better return on investment on your operation.
Sponsored by: Forage Genetics International


Maximizing the Profit Centers Within your Feed Management System

Keith Sather

In this interactive session, the presenter will reveal how to understand and maximize the profit centers within a feed management system. Your program should help define the culture of your dairy and evaluate change. Use the data at hand to work through the mindset of more milk vs. components and what is best for your business. Learn the basic steps that are crucial to solid data and sound decisions.

Sponsored by: Supervisor Systems


Calf Scours Continues to be a Prevailing Problem in Calves… A New Treatment Strategy Proves Successful!

Dr. Michael Nagorske

Calf scours accounts for approximately 50-60% of preweaned heifer deaths and is a prevailing problem in many operations. While many treatment modalities have been attempted, few have proven successful. Two problems exist when a calf succumbs to scours, dehydration and significant tissue damage to the gastrointestinal tract. While various calf products have been developed to treat scours, none directly address both dehydration and tissue damage in a disruptive way. Bovine colostrum has repeatedly shown efficacy in the treatment of human gastrointestinal diseases.
Sponsored by: TechMix





The Importance of Your Role as a Dairy Worker in the Sustainability of the Dairy Industry

La importancia de su papel como trabajador de las lecherías en la sostenibilidad.

Jorge Delgado

Training, Talent Development and Retention Program for Dairy Workers Leader | Alltech

Sustainability seems to be the buzzword, especially in the agricultural industry. You may have heard this word from your employer, your supervisor or a colleague. Possibly, you saw it in an advertisement. Everywhere we look, there is some activity, product, project, etc. attached to the word “sustainability.” While some would think it is overuse of a catchy word, it really makes you wonder if it’s a marketing tool or if we’re really contributing to sustainable agriculture. The most important question is, what does sustainability mean? During this session, the presenters will explain the basic concepts of sustainability and the role you play in this important industry movement.

La sostenibilidad parece ser la palabra de moda, especialmente en la industria agrícola. Es posible que haya escuchado esta palabra de su empleador, su supervisor, un colega o la haya visto en un anuncio. Dondequiera que miremos, hay alguna actividad, producto, proyecto, etc. asociado a la palabra “sostenibilidad.” Si bien algunos pensarían que es el uso excesivo de una palabra pegajosa, realmente hace que se pregunte si es una herramienta de mercadeo o si realmente estamos contribuyendo a la agricultura sostenible. La pregunta más importante es, ¿qué significa sostenibilidad? Durante esta sesión, Sebastián Mejía Turcios y Jorge Delgado explicarán los conceptos básicos de la sostenibilidad y el papel que juegan en este importante movimiento de la industria.

Sponsored by: Alltech


The 7 Pillars for Raising a Healthy Calf

Los 7 Pilares para Criar Becerras Saludables

Tiago Tomazi

Bovine Technical Services Veterinarian | Merck Animal Health

This presentation will provide attendees with practical management strategies to raise healthy dairy calves. It will cover key aspects to better prepare calves for environmental challenges – starting from fetal development through the critical transition to the post-weaning phase.


Esta presentación ofrecerá a los asistentes estrategias prácticas de manejo para criar becerras lecheras saludables. Se abordarán aspectos clave para preparar mejor a las becerras frente a los desafíos ambientales, comenzando desde el desarrollo fetal hasta la transición crítica a la fase posterior al destete.

Sponsored by: Merck Animal Health


Enhancing Biosecurity on Dairy Farms: Practical Tips for Dairy Workers

Bioseguridad en las Granjas Lecheras: Consejos Prácticos para los trabajadores

Maristela Rovai

Associate Professor/Extension Dairy Specialist | South Dakota State University

Noelia Silva del Rio

Dairy Herd Health Specialist | University of California-Davis School of Veterinary Medicine

Implementing biosecurity practices in dairies is essential to safeguarding the health of both animals and workers. Disease outbreaks can have devastating consequences – not only for farm productivity but also for the well-being of employees and surrounding communities. This training workshop will provide Hispanic dairy workers with the knowledge and tools necessary to strengthen biosecurity measures, reduce disease risks and create a safer working environment.

La implementación de prácticas de bioseguridad en las granjas lecheras es esencial para proteger la salud tanto de los animales como de los trabajadores. Los brotes de enfermedades pueden tener consecuencias devastadoras, no solo para la productividad de la granja, sino también para el bienestar de los empleados y las comunidades cercanas. Este taller de capacitación proporcionará a los trabajadores hispanos el conocimiento y las herramientas necesarias para fortalecer las medidas de bioseguridad, reducir los riesgos de enfermedades y crear un entorno de trabajo más seguro.


Milk Quality, Mastitis and Parlor Interactions

Calidad de Leche, Mastitis y Maquinaria de Ordeño

Jorge Luna

Senior Dairy Production Specialist | Zoetis

The objective of this workshop is to explain why milk quality and mastitis are critical for the consumer and how everybody that works at a dairy has a responsibility in this endeavor. Learn why compliance to milking protocols and following basic cow comfort and hygiene guidelines are critical for cow health, dairy well-being and consumer satisfaction. Properly working equipment and maintenance of the milking parlor contribute to the production of quality milk. This milk quality, mastitis and equipment workshop will focus on easy-to-implement management strategies, basic hygiene practices and monitoring strategies that can significantly decrease mastitis risk, improve milk quality and maintain properly working equipment.

El objetivo de este taller es explicar porque la calidad de leche y la mastitis son criticas para el consumidor, y como todos los que trabajan en una lecheria son responsables de esta tarea. Aprenda porque seguir las rutinas de ordeño, seguir reglas basicas de comfort para la vaca y la higuiene son criticas para la salud de la vaca, el bienestar de la lecheria y la satisifaccion del consumidor. Equipo de ordeño que trabaja adecuadamente y que se le da mantenimiento contribuye a la produccion de leche de calidad. El taller de calidad de leche, mastitis y maquinaria de ordeño se enfocara en practicas de manejo faciles de implementar, practicas basicas de higuiene y estrategias de monitoreo que nos ayudaran a disminuir el riesgo de la mastitis y el mejoramiento de la calidad de la leche y el buen funcionamiento del equipo de ordeño.

Sponsored by: Zoetis


ED SHED SESSIONS on the Arena Stage


Shedding Light on Stray Voltage: Understanding and Solving a Hidden Dairy Challenge

James Neawedde Jr.

Director of Operations / Zero Tolerance

Stray voltage remains a critical yet often misunderstood issue in the dairy industry. It impacts cow health, milk production and farm profitability. This presentation explores the causes and effects of stray voltage, innovative detection methods and practical approaches for remediation. Gain insights into new developments that are reshaping the way stray voltage is understood and managed to improve animal welfare and farm performance.

Sponsored by: Zero Tolerance


Cool Cows, Thriving Herds: Advanced Heat Mitigation Techniques

Bill Stone

Technical Services and Research / Diamond V

Heat stress significantly impacts the dairy industry, affecting cow performance and a dairy operation’s bottom line. Effective abatement strategies, management adjustments and ration strategies are crucial. Join Bill Stone to explore innovative solutions and approaches to help your cows stay productive and cool while battling the marathon of heat stress season.

Sponsored by: Diamond V


The Power of Multiple Modes of Action for Effective Pest Control

Anna Hansen

Technical Services Support Specialist / MGK

Insecticides are an important component in a balanced pest control program. With several formulations, ingredients and modes of action (MoA) available, it can be difficult to know which product to choose and how best to use it. Relying on a single MoA can lead to resistance, allowing tolerant pests to survive and pass on resistance traits. By using multiple MoA in rotation or combination, we can combat the development of resistance. This session is an opportunity to discover how multiple MoA provides effective and comprehensive pest control.

Sponsored by: MGK


Turning Waste into Wealth: Transforming Farm Manure into a Low-cost Fertigation Asset for In-season application with Drip Irrigation

Kurt Grimm

CEO and Research / NutraDrip Irrigation Systems

NutraDrip started as an irrigation company, but the owners soon noticed the value of running nutrients through drip lines to feed crops at the root level. NutraDrip Irrigation Systems began with synthetic fertilizers but realized that livestock operations, like dairies, have huge potential on their farms to apply in-season nutrients after the product is separated. NutraDrip executives have worked for three years on this and now offer an exceptional low-cost solution.

Sponsored by NutraDrip Irrigation Systems


Forage 360: Producing Forage Year Round

Jeff Jackson

Alfalfa and Forage Specialist and National Product Manager for Forage Sorghum / WinField United

Livestock producers are continually looking for ways to maximize the opportunity to grow feed and apply manure on crop acres. Adopting a “forage system” to economically and strategically “grow more with less” is a mindset all should engage. Crop rotation in a forage system is a unique opportunity to utilize multiple crops on the same acres in rotation to produce forages the entire growing season. An example is corn silage, winter wheat‐forage, forage sorghum followed by spring-seeded alfalfa. This can maximize the sun’s energy with virtually no downtime in fallow acres.

Sponsored by: Land O’Lakes


Jason Anderson

Vaxxinova US, Technical Services Veterinarian-Bovine

SRP Technology and an Experimental Salmonella Dublin Vaccine

Salmonellosis has been a concern of the dairy industry for more than 20 years. In recent times, attention has shifted to the Dublin serotype of Salmonella enterica. In addition to hygiene practices, vaccination is a tool for use in a disease management plan. Trials conducted with Vaxxon SRP Salmonella and an experimental SRP Dublin have helped shape the understanding of how this subunit vaccine technology works.

Sponsored by Vaxxinova